Disillusioned in Middle America

For those that have messaged me, so sorry I haven’t written in the blog so much….it’s been kind of crazy with our country and the world in general right now, not to mention just trying to exist and be happy and just live. It seems like when one thing gets on track another thing gets off track. It has been this way my entire life though so I’m used to it. It just seems more intense right now, if that makes sense….

So much has been going on it’s hard to keep up. Since I marched in January, it’s been like one circus to the next here in the Good ol USA and frankly I’m getting quite tired of dealing with it. As an American.

To the internet, please help me! Get rid of this nagging feeling that things will survive until……2020.

So there are a few things I want to cover in this post..and they are kind of different but also interrelated.

The first is the breaking news story right now : Jared Kushner, son-in-law to now President Donald J. Trump has been caught telling some Russian peeps that they should establish a “secret line” to talk to each other away from seeing eyes (i.e., Intelligence forces) and that the Russian computer nerds should secure it. I don’t know about you but that sounds like a whole lotta treason to me! TREASON! And mind you, this is Trump’s family and closest adviser.

The second thing I want to discuss is Trump’s plan to open up trade with China and the basic deal is that American cattlemen are going to ship cows over to China to be butchered and slaughtered and in exchange we get their shitty cooked chicken meat.   I don’t know about you, but even though the cattlemen are super excited getting hard-ons about this, didn’t Trump himself campaign on the premise that he was going to be tough on China…he even vowed to cut them off totally ! Now all of a sudden he is wheeling and dealing and creating more pain and suffering for animals in the process? It is an outrage that we as Americans would support this cruelty, it’s horrible enough that here in America cows are subjected to torture, but now they are going to be shipped like freight overseas? And not only that, they are rounding up the symbols of our country – THE AMERICAN MUSTANG HORSE and “relocating” them and shipping them also to slaughter just so cattle can graze on the horses’ land. It is cruel and inhumane to do so and I will be writing everyone in my precinct about this issue. If anything, this has committed me further into veganism and my quest to get people to realize you don’t need to eat meat to be happy, satisfied, and fulfilled. The best thing you can do to not support these practices is go vegan…it’s a journey, not a destination.  Just start by swapping out certain things for veganized versions, it’s definitely fun to learn to cook new things!  I am thinking about reaching more people in China…try to get them to be vegetarian/vegan through social media but isn’t China communist? Can they even talk on the internet freely? Unfortunately, there are a lot of greedy people in this world who just want to use animals for their own selfish gains – please save it those who say we have always eaten meat…we have always done a lot of fucked up shit. But we can always change. And it least give animals the dignity of a life that they deserve. It’s unfortunate that so many animals have to be used and tortured in the process.  I saw the saddest video today of a cow literally crying.  It was so messed up.  Trump went back on every campaign promise he’s ever made and it looks like now with his senior adviser and family member, JK, wheeling and dealing for a back line he will be on his way out soon and perhaps animals will have a chance.

The third thing I want to discuss is the new TSA regulation about “checking out your carryon.” The TSA is now whining because people are trying to put too much in their carry on bags so now we have to remove everything from our carry-ons. Including letting them go through phones? So they can search us and profile us? Or eventually maybe they can scan our retinas just to prove our identity because there are doppelgängers out there? I love how these thing always come after some sort of terrorist act.  They didn’t even wait a week to roll this out.  Now we have to go through extra love feels from the TSA.  My city is one of the lucky ones they are testing this out on, like we are rats, and they are experimenting on us to see if we are going to go for this or not.  They came out with this story this morning and are saying they are giving it a “trial run” in select cities across the nation. Just like they did with the body X-rays…wonder what they will want next? A sample of DNA to fly the friendly skies? Fuck you. I’ll drive. But I assume that too will be coming soon to the highways if Americans don’t stand up and say, thanks- but no thanks. It’s not like I am not for being safe and secure, but where is the line drawn? Are we going to allow them to scan us like property just like they do with the cows and shipping them to other countries? when are we going to stand up and say NO! because they will keep pushing further and further until finally we basically have to have secret clearance to fly anywhere. They don’t want poor people flying you see…and that is fine. But if they ever come after the highways and byways we will have a problem.  Then we will have to come to terms about some things as a society about how far are we willing to go to give up our civil liberties? When will we stand up and say no, I am a native born daughter or son of this land and my liberty is mine! it is a god given right! And we hopefully will stop them in their tracks.

If that doesn’t work, we can simply refuse to travel anywhere and become more locally oriented. We have to vote with our $$$$$ about what we are going to accept as people, both with the airlines and by what we choose to support.  Soon we will have to be getting back to more local ways of life anyway– their plans are very destructive–but we can overcome them if we become more aware of how “they” are planning to use we the people (like cattle) and then stand up with our voices together as one! we have to! ! !




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